Holy Mass
““The Eucharistic sacrifice... the fount and apex of the whole Christian life “”
St. Michael's has many Masses available throughout the week. If you are in need of other Mass options to fit your schedule, nearby St. Joseph's Church schedule is also listed below.
Saturday: 4:00PM
Sunday: 9:30AM in English, 12:00PM in Portuguese
***There is no 7PM Mass in the summer, from Memorial day weekend through after Labor Day***
Monday: 9:00AM in English
Wednesday: 8:30AM Daily Mass in English with the school children
Friday: 9:00AM in Portuguese
ST. Joseph'S CHURCH - 1335 North main street
Saturday: 5:15PM
Sunday: 7:00AM and 10:45AM
Tuesday and Thursday: 9:00AM Daily Mass
Saturday: 9:00AM Daily Mass at the Altar of the Holy Family