Learning about our faith does not end with the Sacrament of Confirmation, but is a life long endeavor, because it isn't just learning about a particular subject, but about the person of Jesus Christ and growing in our relationship with Him.
Throughout the year, a number of different opportunities to grow in our faith will be offered. In particular, mini-series on related topics are offered every Monday at 10AM.
Bible Study is offered weekly on Tuesday mornings following the 9AM Mass. Bible Study takes place in the parish hall.
Catechist Training: Anyone who has been confirmed and is interested in teaching the faith to our young ones should speak with Lisa Ouellette. We will be offering workshops to better prepare our catechists. Any adult is welcome to participate, even if they are not currently a catechist.
On-going formation for parents: Parents are the primary educators of their children. As a parish, we seek to assist parents in living out their faith and passing it on to their children. Each year, we will offer a presentation for parents on various subjects of our faith in her monthly Share Our Faith series. All parishioners are invited to attend these sessions.
RCIA: "The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults" is a program of faith formation for adults who did not receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation as children. This program begins in the Fall and meets once a week until Easter. If you have not received your sacraments or know of someone who hasn't and would like to, please contact Deacon Paul or the parish office for more information.